NBCU 2022 Events
Monday May 2 | 11:30AM ET
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What to Expect
Speaker Lineup
What to


Peacock updates on content, growth and what’s next


New ad innovations designed to help your brand break through


New streaming offering, Peacock AX, helps partners scale across nearly all NBCU streaming endpoints

  • Krishan Bhatia
    Krishan Bhatia

    Krishan Bhatia

    President & Chief Business Office, Global Advertising and Partnerships at NBCUniversal

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  • Peter Blacker
    Peter Blacker

    Peter Blacker

    Executive Vice President, Agency Partnerships, Advertising & Partnerships at NBCUniversal

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  • Kelly Campbell
    Kelly Campbell

    Kelly Campbell

    President of Peacock & Direct-to-Consumer at NBCUniversal

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  • Matt Coleman
    Matt Coleman

    Matt Coleman

    Marketing Director at State Farm

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  • Jennifer Gardner
    Jennifer Gardner

    Jennifer Gardner

    Vice President of Media Platforms at Verizon

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  • Laura Molen
    Laura Molen

    Laura Molen

    President, Advertising & Partnerships at NBCUniversal

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Discover More Events


At ONE22, our annual developer conference, we’ll showcase the technology stack that’s the foundation of One Platform—including the latest data, measurement, and activation capabilities—and how you can use identity, innovation, impact, and interoperability to grow your business.

Peacock NewFront 2022

We’ll bridge the technology and content strategy and explore new ways to engage audiences and forge strong connections in spaces like streaming. You’ll learn new insights from Peacock, how we’re innovating based on those results, and how these tools can help your business succeed.

Upfront 2022

We’ll bring it all together from two iconic stages: in the morning with our Upfront at Radio City Music Hall, followed by a Telemundo Celebration that evening at the Ziegfeld Theatre. All day long, we’ll celebrate the culture-defining content that shapes the world, in both English and Spanish. We’ll lift up the stories that hundreds of millions of consumers trust, connect with, and rely on no matter the stage or screen—and preview what’s coming next, and how you can be a part of it.

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