Third party login information due by January 7, 2022 to ensure that delivery is being reported accurately to Agency and Advertiser.
Final creative (including Ad-ID) and standards approval to be submitted by January 24, 2022.
Any questions on the below you can use the following email alias to reach out directly to our ad Ops team:
Ad Formats, NBC Sports App, Peacock
- Length: :6s, :15s, :30s
- Assets Allowed:
- Site Served: Linear/Broadcast Ad-ID OR Hard Asset with Ad-ID (MP4/MOV)
- Third Party: VAST 2.0 with Ad-ID (Innovid Only)
- Length: :15s, :30s are accepted
Available Platforms
Creative Guidelines:
All Clients must be registered with Ad-ID and assign a valid Ad-ID code to each creative prior to submission of advertising creatives.
- Clients can contact Ad-ID customer service at or 704.501.4410 for assistance.
- NBCUniversal will provide support in the onboarding process.
- For information on Ad-ID, please visit:
Video Ads – Required Specs
NBCU-Served Video Submission/Encoding:
- 1920×1080 Minimum
- :06s, :15s, 30s accepted for Pre-Roll
- :15s, :30s accepted for Mid-Roll
- Video duration must be the same length as the audio track or else video cannot be transcoded.
Max File Size:
- 10 GB
File Format:
- Formats Accepted:
- Video Ad-ID is required
- All clients must be registered with Ad-ID and assign a valid Ad-ID code to each creative prior to submission of advertising creatives. Clients can contact Ad-ID customer service at or 704.501.4410 for assistance. NBCUniversal will provide support in the onboarding process. For information on Ad-ID, please visit:
- Quicktime (.MOV) strongly preferred
- MPEG-2 (.mpg)
- **NBCU also accepts MPEG-4 (.MP4), but .MOV & .mpg are preferred to ensure optimal transcode quality.
- The file should include the ad only and not require any editing or clipping before transcoding:
- Files must be formatted cut-to-cut
- No bars/tone/slate or black is allowed at the top or tail
- Content should begin at 01:00:00:00
Minimum Bit Rate:
- Greater than 15Mbps
Frame Rate:
- Native Frame Rate as 29.97fps, 23.98fps, or 25fps
- Frame Rate must be constant (CBR)
- **In order to ingest and fulfill creatives in the most efficient and reliable manner, deliver content in native frame rate and scan mode. NBC does not accept any pre-processing (i.e apply Telecine, Inverse Telecine,scan mode conversion) of creatives. Applying any kind of pre-processing will hinder or degrade the creative renditions and thus,can impact monetization and viewer experience
Aspect Ratio:
- 16:9
Video Codec:
- Apple ProRes 422 HQ codec preferred (Video Bitrate must be at least 800 Kbps)
- H.264 codec is accepted (Video Bitrate must be at least 50 Mbps)
- DV codec | DVC Pro NTSC (DV25) or DVC Pro NTSC (DV50) accepted
- Interlaced video is NOT accepted
Scan Type:
- Native Scan Mode, Progressive or Interlaced (Ex. capture/edit in 23.98p, deliver in 23.98p, capture 29.97i/edit 29.97i, deliver 2997i)
Field Dominance:
- Upper Odd (for 29.97fps)
Time Code:
- Time code track & QuickTime wrapper. All 29.97 content must be Drop Frame. 23.98 must be Non-Drop Frame
Color Space:
- 4:2:2
Audio Codec/Format:
- PCM, Little Endian
Audio Tracks:
- 2CH Stereo
- Note: If you are sending a promo without any sound, 2 MOS tracks are required.
Audio Track Assignments:
- CH 1 – LT Stereo
- CH 2 – RT Stereo
- Audio must be discrete, single track audio (1 track per channel)
Bit Depth/Sampling:
- 24-Bit 48kHz
Bit Rate:
- 96-194kbps
Average Loudness:
- 2CH Stereo
- -24 LKFS (Full Program Mix, not just Dialogue) using the ITU-R BS. 1770-3 measurement method
True Peak Limit:
- -2 dbfs
- Audio track duration must be the same length as the video duration
Sensitive Ad Categories that Require Preliminary Ad Standards Review:
The following categories of Creatives will require prior approval of NBCUniversal, provided in its sole discretion, 72 hours prior to campaign launch:
Categories That Require Review
- Advertisements containing Contest and Sweepstakes
- Alcoholic Beverages (Hard Alcohol, Beer, Wine)
- Controversial Issue and Political Advertising
- Dietary Supplements and Homeopathic Remedies
- Fantasy Sports
- Gambling
- M-Rated Video Games
- Medical Devices (including Pregnancy Tests)
- Medications (Over-The-Counter and Prescription Drugs)
- Personal Products (including Contraceptives)
- R-Rated Movies
- Telemedicine Platforms
- Weight Loss
Prohibited Categories
- Adult Products and Services
- Astrology, Fortune Telling and Psychic Services
- Cannabis, Marijuana and CBD Products
- Competitive Streaming Content and Services
- Firearms, Weapons and Fireworks
- Get Rich Quick and Pyramid Schemes
- Illegal Drugs, Products, Services, Publications or Paraphernalia
- Lawyer Advertising
- Religious Advertising
- Tobacco Products (including E-cigarettes)
VAST 2.0:
- In order to hit rendition targets reflected in the NBCU specification (Mezz, High, Medium and Low) it is NBCU’s recommendation to use the highest quality source file.
- To ensure accuracy across the various transcoding platforms in market we recommend a minimum bitrate threshold for source material of 50mbps.
- Secure HTTPS tags only
- All direct sold VAST tags are subject to internal NBCU QC processes and will be rejected if spec requirements are not met across all platforms.
- For a detailed list of NBCU creative quality checks and descriptions, please Click Here
- NBCU requires a total of FOUR files to run, no exceptions.
- Mezz, High, Medium and Low. Details below.
- This allows for the highest quality content and advertisement playback to run on all viewing endpoints: desktop, mobile web, apps and OTT.
- Dimensions/Resolution:
- MP4/MOV: 1920×1080 HD
- Max File Size:
- 10 GB
- Bit Rate:
- A minimum of 15 Mbps required, but 15-30 Mbps recommended
- Audio:
- At least 192 Kbps
- Sampling Frequency should be 48000Hz
- Aspect Ratio:
- 16:9
- Dimensions/Resolution:
- MP4 ONLY: 1920×1080 HD
- Max File Size:
- Variable based on bitrate
- Bit Rate:
- 3.25 – 5 Mbps
- Audio:
- At least 96 Kbps
- Sampling Frequency should be 48000Hz or 44100Hz
- Aspect Ratio:
- 16:9 or 4:3
- Dimensions/Resolution:
- MP4 ONLY: 960×540 or 640×480
- Max File Size:
- Variable based on bitrate
- Bit Rate:
- 1 – 1.5 Mbps
- Audio:
- At least 96 Kbps
- Sampling Frequency should be 48000Hz or 44100Hz
- Aspect Ratio:
- 16:9 or 4:3
- Dimensions/Resolution:
- MP4 ONLY: 640×360 or 416×234
- Max File Size:
- Variable based on bitrate
- Bit Rate:
- 340-460 Kbps
- Audio:
- At least 96 Kbps
- Sampling Frequency should be 48000Hz or 44100Hz
- Aspect Ratio:
- 16:9 or 4:3
- Livestream: :15s required, :30s accepted
- Shortform: :15s required (partner preferred durations on partner tabs)
- NOTE: VAST tag cannot rotate various durations within. A separate VAST tag per duration required.
- 23.98, 25 or 29.97 based on native frame rate
- In order to ingest and fulfill creatives in the most efficient and reliable manner, deliver content in native frame rate and scan mode. NBC does not accept any pre-processing (i.e apply Telecine, Inverse Telecine, scan mode conversion) of creatives. Applying any kind of pre-processing will hinder or degrade the creative renditions and thus, can impact monetization and viewer experience
- Interlaced video is not accepted
- Apple ProRes 422 HQ or H.264 is accepted for mezzanine renditions
- H.264 is required for all others (High, Medium, Low)
- Volume should not exceed the volume of the content and must be under –2dB.
- Must follow CALM compliance loudness average of –24LKFS +/-2.
- VAST tags can also include MOV files, but MUST include a MP4 for each rendition: High, Medium and Low. If MP4 is not included for each then the asset will not pass and it must be revised or it cannot run.
- For TV shows and Movies, DDT (day, date and time) is not allowed
- Flighting, Capping and Targeting to be applied by NBCU only to ensure contractual obligations and correct delivery.
- Time targeting, Frequency caps, Demo targeting, Geo targeting, etc.
- In order to secure the best livestreaming experience possible NBC Olympics will now require Ad-IDs to be associated with every video creative to run in live events. For any VAST tag running in Live, please provide a backup asset with Ad-ID and tracking 1x1s
as a contingency to ensure delivery across all endpoints.
Available Partners:
- Advertising on YouTube via NBCU Ad Sales must follow NBCU’s spec requirements
- However, third party tag vendors must follow YouTube’s list of approved vendors
- Only the 3P pixels listed below will track on YouTube’s platform based on integration status:
- Creative Ad Specifications please click here
Display Ads – Required Specs
Approved Creative, Research & Verification Vendors:
- Secure 3rd Party Impression Tracking pixel tag (noscript tag) accepted
- Secure Research Tracking Pixel tag accepted (not STB)
- Secure HTTPS tags only
- Comcast X1 requires tracking pixels to support DualStack IPV4/IPV6 connectivity
- Secure Quartile Tracking accepted